Apr 16, 2018 | vandeVenMarc | 1557 views
2018/19 Major Atom Tryouts
Welcome to the 2018/19 Elgin Middlesex Chiefs Tryouts
All information regarding the tryout process will be posted on this website including roster updates, exhibition game line up's, etc....Please check back for updates.
All players should bring their own water bottle and practice jersey, pinnies will be provided.
Tryout Dates as follows:
Wednesday April 18th - 6:15pm
Saturday April 21st - 10:45am
NOTE: 1st "Goalie" Roster Update will be posted after Saturday April 21st 10:45am tryout and prior to the Goalie Evaluation at 2pm. The remaining player/skater roster update will be posted later Saturday April 21st along with the Exhibition Game Roster for Sunday April 22nd.
Best of luck to all players!