Sep 13, 2021 | kschnittker | 1658 views
Tonight's lineup:
Skirten Witt Gustafson
Basilio Walker Durand
Elson Brown
Scott Blake
Panizera McKay
Jomaa Demelo
Thank you
Jeff Roy
Here are some details for entering the arena in Sarnia:
How to Enter and Exit the Arena? Participants: • A City of Sarnia staff person will have Gate 1 doors at Progressive Auto Sales Arena open for ice users (both Rink 1 and Rink 2) as of 20 minutes prior to your scheduled ice time. Doors will be locked again 5 minutes prior to scheduled ice time. No re-entry permitted. • Due to current overhead construction, all users will enter through the west door (right hand side) of Gate 1 and exit through the east door (left hand side) of Gate 1.
Spectators: • Permit holders are responsible for spectator access during your rental and will need to supply one person to allow spectators access to the facility AT your scheduled ice time (ie: 7:00 PM rental = 7:00 PM spectator entry). • Spectators must be actively screened prior to entry, and contact information collected for contact tracing purposes. • Spectators for Rink 1 will enter and exit through Gate 5 and spectators for Rink 2 through Gate 1. • Spectators will have access to the seats and standing room around the concourse of Rink 1 and spectators for Rink 2 will have standing room and access to the stands. • We ask all spectators to please vacate the building immediately at the end of an ice session.