is an updated roster including all players continuing with our tryout process.
If your name is not on the list below, hold your heads high, you should be very proud of your accomplishments for making it this far. Continue working hard, your team next year will be very lucky to have you. I sincerely wish you the best moving forward.
The players listed in yellow highlight are scheduled to play in an exhibition game Saturday at 3:30pm in Blenheim vs Chatham Kent Cyclones. Please be at the arena 45 minutes prior to game time ready for team warm up. Blenheim COVID protocols are listed below.
Drew Beattie
Colton Dryfhout
Levi Dunn
Ashton Elliott
Blake Hammond
Colton Haughian
Braydon Hinton
Noah Howley
Jaxson Ladds
Taylor Macpherson
Cameron Marcy
Mickey Moorhouse
Lachlan Novakowski
Tyson Orr
Brayden Pique
Carter Piskorowski
Jake Smit
Dane Purdy
Gavin Toole
Davyn Watson-Smyth
Final roster update will be posted after Saturday’s exhibition game.
Coach Ryan
Please find the COVID protocols slow for Blenheim arena.
The QRS code for their screening app is located at the front door. Everyone must complete this prior to entrance.
So here is some information in regards to the Blenheim arena going into tryouts.
- No time restriction on when players can attend the arena and enter. Players can be at anytime before tryout skates and games (no 15 mins before the skate anymore). Within reason. Don't be hanging around the rink all day. 
- Lobby will be open for all but closed once players hit the ice. All people will have to vacate lobby and sit inside the rink area
- Washrooms open for use

- Players will exit out the back door (Zamboni end) off arena.
For games each team will be given one room. Half of the team is to enter and get ready, leave the room and the other half will go in and do the same. It will be same when the game is over, half in to get undressed (quickly) and when they exit the other half gets undressed.
- Masks worn in the dressing room at all times
- No showering

- 120 spectator capacity at the rink so no restriction on number of spectators per player