Apr 18, 2019 | jwilliams | 2033 views
Players Moving Forward/Game VS Lambton
1. W. Adkins
2. N. Ahrens
3. M. Amaral
4. K. Ashby
5. C. Barnes
6. B. Beer
7. D. Dundas
8. H. Haight
9. M. Hewitt
10. A. Ivanyshyn
11. R. Jeffery
12. C. Jenken
13. B. Joseph
14. L. Kidder
15. N. Kostesku
16. L. Lawrence
17. Rickwood
18. L. Shannon
19. J. Smith
20. B. Stonehouse
21. J. Van Arenthals
22. C. Van De Ven
23. O. Van Steensel
24. M. Vandenberg
25. Z. Veccia
26. B. Weesjes
27. N. Wiebe
28. O. Willmore
VS Lambton
Line Up:
Hewitt Weesjes Veccia
Kidder Joseph Dundas
Rickwood Ashby Ivanyshyn
Jeffery Smith
Ahrens Van De Ven
Wiebe Lawrence
If you did not see your name on the list "Players Moving Forward" unfortunately you will not be proceeding with the EMC Minor Midget Team. I'd like to thank you for coming out and would like to wish you the best of luck in your up coming season.
Coach Jason
If you have been released and require an F1 please email EITHER:
[email protected] OR [email protected]
To receive your F1 please provide the following information:
If you have an F1 from another centre please just forward that F1 to ONE of these email addresses
Player’s first and last name:
Date of Birth:
Goalie: yes or no:
Place of Residence:
Division & Team: