FINAL ROSTER, News, Major Peewee/U13, 2019-2020 (Elgin-Middlesex Canucks)


This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 28, 2019 | DJenks | 5947 views
After a long couple of weeks I am pleased to announce the following players will make up the 2019/20 Major Pee Wee Team!  

B Borszcz
M Koprowski
M Cole  
D Dewatcher

N Jenken
L Ladds
Carson Smith
M Vanbommell 
C Bridgewater
J DaSilva
B Funston
G Hern
C Ilczyszyn
C Joyce
O Lawrence
J Sutherland 
N Vandenburg

**There will be a mandatory team fit / signing night on Wednesday, May 1st at 7pm.  Please arrive 15 minutes early.  There will be a team meeting immediately after we are finished with Pete's.  I will send out more information shortly.**

If you have been released and require an F1 please email EITHER:

[email protected]  OR   [email protected]

To receive your F1 please provide the following information:

If you have an F1 from another centre please just forward that F1 to ONE of these email addresses

Player’s first and last name:

Date of Birth:

Goalie: yes or no:

Place of Residence:

Division & Team:


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