Tryout Update, News, Minor Peewee/U12, 2019-2020 (Elgin-Middlesex Canucks)


This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 21, 2019 | John Warren | 2855 views
Tryout Update
The following players are invited to continue with the tryout process.  To those players released, I wish you the best of luck with next year's season.  Thank you for all your effort. You should be proud of your achievement in making it this far.

Will Bos
Chace Stokely
Parker Vaughan 
William Wright
Lucas Vansteensel 
Jacob Vandeven 
Cole Shoup 
George Matsos
Beckham Edwards
Grayson VanderVelden 
Ty Lawson 
Austin Brekelmans 
Luke Thomas 
Jackson Sloan 
Michael Kustermans 
Kailer Jenney
James Macgregor 
Evan Pym 
Jaden Van de Ven 
Callum Savage 
Oscar Mandigo 
Ryan Lehouillier 
Noah Mitoraj 
Shane Neusteter 
Edmund Docherty
Cohen Kelly 
Preston Willemse

The roster for Tuesday nights game in Sarnia will be posted tomorrow night

Due to the number of Elgin Middlesex zone players and the abundance of talent, we will not be taking any F1s this year in Minor Peewee.  If you are an F1 and want to pass through Elgin Middlesex to go to another centre please follow the process set out for all F1s below.  Janice and Darren are aware of this decision and will get back to you as quickly as they can.  

If you have been released and require an F1 please email EITHER:

[email protected]  OR   [email protected]

To receive your F1 please provide the following information:

If you have an F1 from another centre please just forward that F1 to ONE of these email addresses

Player’s first and last name:

Date of Birth:

Goalie: yes or no:

Place of Residence:

Division & Team: