09 EMC Minor Atom - Roster Update #2, News, Minor Atom, 2018-2019 (Elgin-Middlesex Canucks)


This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 22, 2018 | Ryan Marcy | 3034 views
09 EMC Minor Atom - Roster Update #2

The following list of players are invited to continue with the tryout process.  To those players released, I wish you the best of luck with next year's season.  Thank you for all your effort, and continue pushing for your goals.  You should be proud of your achievement in making it this far.  

The players listed in yellow highlight are scheduled to play in an exhibition game Tuesday April 24th at 6:00pm in Blenheim vs Chatham Kent Cyclones.  

Please be at the arena 45 minutes prior to game time and remember to bring a water bottle.  If your name is not highlighted it is not expected that you travel to Blenheim.

Ryan Boisvert 
Tian Bubb-Clarke 
Will Burgess 

Mason Chapman 
Bryce Cornelius Doxtator 
Carter Cox 
Landon Currie 

Myles Dunn 
Callum Farquhar 
Brayon Goetz 
Chase Grayson 
Ethan Haklander 

Andrew Higgins 
James Joyce 
Noah Kaspersma 
Channer Keene 
Benjamin Marcy 
Jack Masse 
Andrew Menlove 

Leah Milligan 
Lucas Nutting 

Brandt Rooyakkers 
Nolan Rosser 

Isaac Schipper 
Chase Sewell 
Haydn Taylor 
Kaje Thorogood 
Jack Turner 
Owen Van Geffen 
Jordan Vanderlip

Next roster update will be posted after Tuesday's exhibition game.  Roster for Wednesday's exhibition game TBD.

If you require an F1 waiver please contact Serge Babenko ([email protected] 226-448-8078) or Janice Sutherland ([email protected]). Times to pick up F1’s will be posted on the EMC webpage. 
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