Third Tryout - Saturday April 21, News, Minor Atom, 2018-2019 (Elgin-Middlesex Canucks)


This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 20, 2018 | Ryan Marcy | 2293 views
Third Tryout - Saturday April 21

Great effort so far over the first two skates, has been really impressive to see.  

Third tryout skate is scheduled for Saturday morning (April 21).  We will be running two separate 40-minute inter-squad games.  Each player will play in one of these games (see below).  

Players will receive their pinnies on check-in.  Please see below regarding which game your player will be participating in.  Team lists will be posted on dressing room doors.  

Players please be fully dressed and meet your coaches behind the bench five minutes prior to the start of your scheduled game.  We will start the games at 9:15am and 9:55am sharp.  

Players with last name starting A-L (including goalies)
Please be fully dressed and meet behind assigned bench five minutes prior to game time.  

Players with last name starting M-Z (including goalies).  
Please be fully dressed and meet behind assigned bench five minutes prior to game time.  

There will be a couple players moved to ensure even number of players on each team.  

The Spa Date
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Sloan Stone Design
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Lambeth Skating Program
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Corporate Imaging Print Centre
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Power Edge Pro Hockey
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