Apr 02, 2016 | jkennedy78 | 24081 views
2016/17 Minor Midget Try-outs
Thank you to all the players who attended try-outs for this years Minor Midget team.
If your name is not on the list and you would like an F1, please contact Craig Robinson @ 519-608-3812.
Please click the Read More button to view the Minor Midget 2016/17 roster.
There will be a meet and greet tomorrow night at 9pm upstairs in the Komoka arena. A parent meeting will be held later on in the summer. The player and a parent must attend. As well, I need all parents email addresses to send out more information about tomorrow nights jersey and pant shell fittings.
Your 2016/17 Minor Midget team
Brant Galbraith
Liam McCarthy
Jake Weston
Mark Woolley
Michael Van Loon
Wesley Poirier
Bryce Kilbourne
Robert White
Jacob Howard
Ian Lutowicz
Navrin Mutter
Brayden Smith
Dylan Vandersleen
Jakob Marche
Russel Oldham
Hunter Monkhouse
Carter McLIwain
Noah Kim