Happy New Year!!, News, Major Peewee, 2016-2017 (Elgin-Middlesex Canucks)


This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 31, 2016 | DCrane2015 | 973 views
Happy New Year!!
Looking back at 2016 the '04 Chiefs have much to be proud of and thankful for.

Team fundraising was organized and completed and the team enjoyed a great tournament and road trip experience in South Bend, IN at the STX Super Series posting a 3 - 2 record. Most recently, the '04 Chiefs posted three shutouts on route to a perfect 4 - 0 record and first overall seed at the Burlington Tournament. They posted a fourth consecutive shutout in the semi-finals before settling for a silver medal in the finals. Individually players have added improvement to their game and collectively the team is learning to execute together. Looking forward to 2017!

The coaches would like to wish our Chiefs' family a Happy New Year!
