Apr 22, 2015 | DCrane2015 | 2831 views
Tryout Update April 22
All players are asked to continue with the tryout process. Please read below for the game roster for Thursday April 23 vs LJK at 6:30 pm at Western Fair
The names marked with an * will be dressing for the game. Please be in the dressing room no later than 45 minutes prior to game time.
Mathew Carr *
Dylan Watson *
Owen McIntyre *
Brayden Joseph *
Fraser Waldron *
Brody Crane *
Hunter Haight
Maddox Amaral
Ryan Cooper *
Owen VanSteensel
Davin Gray
Ethan Macpherson
Dylan Dundas *
Logan Parker *
JT Hodgins *
Logan Shannon *
Wyatt Adkins *
Jack Smyth
Ty Durston*
Cole Jenken
Logan Lawrence
Caleb van de Ven *
Bohdi Duncan *
Noah Grant *
William Richardson *
Marcus Vandenberg
Owen Willmore
Note: If your name is listed without an * it is not mandatory or expected to travel to London.