Apr 24, 2013 | wtichenoff | 3377 views
Roster For Game vs LJK
The following players will dress for the game vs the Junior Knights on Thursday night at 6:45 at Western Fair. Only those players with ** will dress and play. All listed players will continue with tryouts on Saturday.
Darren Beattie**
Derek Cummings**
Ashton Smith
Tyler Alexander**
Tyler Mosher**
Brennan Panziera**
Bryce Walcarius
Michael McKnight**
Ethan Tichenoff
Nash Glover**
Richie Albert**
Billy Faragher
Eric Ratelle**
Nathan Small**
Matthew Gough
Damon Doxtator
Cal Lewis
Nolan Adkins**
Jacob Bailey
Gordie O'Dwyer**
Kearnan Jenney**
Ian Babenko**
Nathan Marques**