Toronto Redwings Earlybird Tournament Sept. 9th-11th, 2011, News, Minor Bantam, 2011-2012 (Elgin-Middlesex Canucks)

This Team is part of the 2011-2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 01, 2011 | tmccallum | 1826 views
Toronto Redwings Earlybird Tournament Sept. 9th-11th, 2011
Please call Quality Inn & Suites @ 1-877-755-4900 with credit card info to reserve individual rooms A.S.A.P. The hotel is located at 262 Carlingview Dr. Etobicoke Ontario M9W 5G1. Refer to the Elgin Middlesex Chiefs 98 Block when making the reservation to recieve the team rate. Rates are $109.00/night including breakfast and parking. The rooms are booked from Thursday through sunday so please verify when you will be arriving. Thanks. Tim.