Chiefs Shine in JRC Tourney and Championship Game, News, Minor Atom, 2011-2012 (Elgin-Middlesex Canucks)


This Team is part of the 2011-2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 31, 2011 | wtichenoff | 1182 views
Chiefs Shine in JRC Tourney and Championship Game
The mighty "Little" Chiefs showed teams from the "big town" how to play our style of hockey.  The boys defeated: Markham Waxers, Mississauga Reps, North Central Predators and the Toronto Red Wings.  They earned the right to play in the championship game against the #1 ranked Toronto Junior Canadians! 

The boys battled like champions.  With the score at 2-1 for the Canadians with over a minute to play, the goalie was pulled, only to have an empty net goal scored.  The team has come a long way.  Earlier in the season the Canadians humbled the Chiefs, 7-0, in a tournament in Detroit.  We gave them their 14th goal against this season.  That was the level of competitiion the boys were up against.  This was a huge accomplishment for our little stars of the future!  Way to gooooooooooo CHIEFS!
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