F1 Signing and Friday April 21st, News (Elgin-Middlesex Canucks)


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Apr 20, 2017 | crobinsoncprb | 3372 views
F1 Signing and Friday April 21st
Families who have not been signed as of Friday April 21st (from Minor Bantam, Major Bantam and Minor Midget) wishing to obtain an F1 release from the Elgin Middlesex Chiefs may do so Saturday April 22nd in the Komoka arena between the hours of 9:30 am and 11:30 am.  Craig Robinson (President), Dan Jenken (Vice President) and Jim Alexander (Registrar) will be available at the arena to sign your F1s.

Click the Read More button below for more information regarding F1 releases for Minor Bantam - Minor Midget.

There have been many questions regarding the F1 release and pilot freedom of movement for Minor Bantam to Minor Midget this season.

Below is the explanation that is written on the Intent to Play form issued by the Alliance:

All participating Minor Bantam AAA to Minor Midget AAA players must be offered a roster spot by 11:59pm Friday April 21, 2017.

Those players that are not offered a roster spot before that time must receive an F1 Form Waiver that is good to try-out in anyone of the 11 Alliance Hockey AAA Associations. Players who are released from their home center/zone who choose to go to a team outside of ALLIANCE Hockey will be required to obtain waivers as per previous practice.

A Triple A player requesting his/her release back to the “home center” must do so, in writing, prior to November 1st. Any player requesting a AAA try-out after spring try-outs must be sent back to their home association for approval. A Triple A team that recruits a Double A or lower player that has signed the Intent to play form is considered tampering and will be subject to OHF Tampering rules. Any player that signs a letter of commitment will only be released on the following terms: the participant will not be denied hockey for that season but must play at the level as designated by the team to which he signed his original intent to play.Protection of Player Once a player signs the intent to play form he/she cannot be released until after October 15th unless agreed upon by the participating player and AAA Association Roster.

Questions we have received already:

Q: If I obtain a release but want to continue tryouts with the Chiefs, may I do so?
A: Yes you may continue tryouts until the coach releases you, even after the April 21st deadline

Q: If I don't register until after the 21st, am I free at that point to register wherever I want?
A: No, you may only be released to other teams in the Alliance after you register with your home centre and are released.  If you register AFTER April 21st, it is up to the coach of the team to grant your release.

Q: Once I receive my release, can I go to more than one centre at a time?
A: Yes, once you receive your release, you may register for and attend tryouts in as many centres as you want, simultaneously.
